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Understanding Inkjet Conference 2021

Inkjet Capabilities, Applications, Selection & Implementation


D.J. Bordini Center

Fox Valley Technical College

Appleton, Wisconsin

Understanding Inkjet Conference 2021 Focus

Successful inkjet printing applications result from the marriage of inks, substrates, and printer. IMI’s Understanding Inkjet Conference 2021 addresses the real world capabilities, variables, and trade-offs required to make the end user customer successful.


The conference will assist senior executives, commercial managers, development teams, technical staff, and others looking to expand their knowledge and understanding of


  • Inkjet technology capabilities, challenges, and potential to expand and enhance printing operations, industrial applications, business opportunities, and profitability

  • Requirements and scenarios for inkjet system evaluation, selection, and implantation to most effectively benefit from inkjet’s potential as an enabling technology

  • Insights gained from the real world experiences of conference leaders with decades of inkjet experience in all aspects of technology development (printers, inks, media, subsystems), system design, program management, technical service, and support roles in a wide range of markets and printer types.


This conference will provide unique understanding of inkjet’s capabilities, idiosyncrasies, and functionality. If you are faced with developing, implementing or operating state-of-the-art inkjet systems, you want to attend this conference – it can provide knowledge and insights simply not available elsewhere as well as saving time and financial resources in your development and implementation efforts! Don’t Miss Out!

Understanding Inkjet Conference 2021


D.J. Bordini Center

Fox Valley Technical College

Appleton, Wisconsin

Tentative Topic Coverage and Schedule

Day 1

8:00 am            Registration 

9:00 am            Session 1

Introductions & conference overview

Matching applications with the right inkjet technology

End users’ requirements, perspectives, and experiences in production digital printing

Inkjet technology for production printing

Vendors Forum #1:

5-minute presentations by vendor registrants about technology, capabilities, services, new product introductions, etc.

With major conference participation expected from end users representing printing, packaging, paper, manufacturing, and other industrial sectors; the Vendors Forum provides a unique opportunity for vendors to introduce themselves to potential new customers.

For additional information or to sign up, contact Al Keene or check off box on Registration Form.

12:00 pm            Networking Lunch

1:00 pm              Session 2

Expanding inkjet into analog markets

Inkjet inks: Lifeblood of the system

Inkjet drying and curing technologies

Beyond “printing” – Opening new application & market opportunities 

Vendors Forum #2

4:30 pm             Networking reception in Display Area

Day 2

9:00 am            Session 3

Media handling trends for a digital print on-demand world


The future of digital packaging & labeling: Digital, smart, and sustainable


Unique market opportunities: Security, brand protection, pharmaceutical, food, product decoration, customer engagement, etc.


Inkjet user needs: Education, training, infrastructure, etc.


Vendors Forum #3

12:00 Noon             Networking Lunch

1:00 pm               Session 4

Print quality optimization: Understanding the role & power of software


Innovative solutions tailored to meet customer and application needs


Moving production inkjet implementation forward


Real-world inkjet production printing experiences, challenges, and solutions

4:30 p.m.           Conference Adjournment

Speaking Opportunities

If you have a potential topic for presentation at this or another IMI conference, please submit your proposed presentation topic and a brief outline to Al Keene at IMI (


IMI is always looking for potential speakers for upcoming conference programs and will be pleased to discuss your ideas for potential presentation topics.

Displays & Vendors Forum

All vendor registrants are encouraged to have demonstrations/displays.  IMI will cooperate with all interested parties to provide appropriate space so products can be displayed and demonstrated during the conference breaks & receptions.  There is no charge in addition to the vendor registration fee to have a display table and/or give a 5-minute Vendors Forum presentation which will also be included in the conference reference materials.  Interested companies should contact IMI President Al Keene to ensure that proper arrangements are made for product displays, demonstrations and Vendors Forum presentations.


You can also reserve your display space and Vendors Forum presentation slot by registering online (as a vendor) and checking off the appropriate boxes indicating your participation.


Conference Venue

IMI’s Understanding Inkjet Conference 2021 is being held at Fox Valley Technical College’s D.J. Bordini Center which provides convenient, high-tech meeting facilities. It is also the home of Fox Valley Technical College's Business and Industry Services group – including their Printing Technologies programs.


The D.J. Bordini Center address is
5 North Systems Drive
Appleton, WI 54914-1655


Hotel reservation information for conveniently located hotels will be provided in early 2021. 


Please direct any questions regarding the conference program, travel, logistics, etc. to Al Keene at IMI or call +1-207-235-2225


IMI sponsors conferences and courses to assist in understanding technology developments, markets and applications requirements. IMI conferences and courses offer unique opportunities for leading hardware, technology development, consumables, software and user companies to learn, network, and develop a comprehensive understanding of current as well as future developments impacting successful product implementations, market entry/expansion, and technology utilization. Since 1990, IMI has held over 700 programs attended by well over 25,000 technical, marketing and management personnel from companies around the world.


IMI programs are designed to enable attendees to obtain the latest technical, market and application information while allowing time to network with other attendees in a time and cost efficient manner.  Attendance at an IMI program enables attendees to meet with an industry’s leading experts in a single location over a short period of time thus maximizing information transfer efficiency and minimizing travel and time expenses.

Details on all of IMI’s activities can be found on our web site or by contacting us:

1106 Valley Crossing
Carrabassett Valley, ME  04947
Phone: +1-207-235-2225
Fax: +1-207-560-9119
Email:     Web Site:

Understanding Inkjet Conference 2021

Inkjet Capabilities, Applications, Selection & Implementation

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